- AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code
- Installing the AWS CLI version 2
- Installing the AWS SAM CLI
- Add a dependency
4.1 Use Spring Initializr
4.2 Use Maven Repository
5. Add LambdaHandler
6. Create your AWS SAM Template
7. Add Parameters
7. Update build.gradle to create zip file for AWS
8. Validate Cloudformation template
9. Gradle Command
- Building the project
$./gradlew build
- Building the archive for CloudFormation deployment
The archive will be generated in build/distributions/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.zip
$./gradlew buildZip
- Running stand-alone locally
$./gradlew bootRun
- Running locally with a local lambda runtime
The project can be run locally with lambda runtime via SAM CLI. The project will start at http://localhost:3000.
$./gradlew lambdaRun
- Validate CloudFormation templates
$./gradlew validateCF
10. Groovy